A single-feed microstrip antenna for five-band satellite communications and RADAR applications is presented in this paper. The proposed antenna is basically rectangular microstrip patch antenna with overall dimension of about 30 × 36.7 × 1.6 mm3 with partial and defective ground. The patch has circular cuts at the three corners and a slot in the middle. The antenna resonates at frequencies f1 = 3.88 GHz (2.55–4 GHz), f2 = 6.96 GHz (4.5–7.94 GHz), f3 = 10.57 GHz (9.50–12 GHz), f4 = 16.14 GHz (14.74–17.10 GHz), and f5 = 18.82 GHz (18.23–19.61 GHz) covering standard microwave frequency bands, namely S (2–4 GHz), C (4–8 GHz), X (8–12 GHz), Ku (12–18 GHz), and K (18–26 GHz), respectively [1]. Extensive simulations are accomplished using CST microwave studio [2]. The antenna has minimum return loss in range −37 to −48 dB for all the five bands. The antenna shows better impedance …
Design of five-band microstrip antenna for radar and satellite communications