High false positive face detection is a crucial problem which leads to low performance face recognition in surveillance system. The performance can be increased by reducing these false positives so …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Offline Signature Verification Using Support Vector Machine
by Kanchanby Kanchan 390 viewsThis project aims at developing a support vector machine for identity verification of offline signature based on the feature values in the database. A set of signature samples are collected …
- AbstractMTech Projects
Explaining Parkinsonian postural sway variabilities using intermittent control theory
by Kanchanby Kanchan 341 viewsPostural impairment due to neuro-degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease (PD) leads to restricted gait patterns, fall-related injuries, decreased mobility, and loss of functional independence. Though several clinical and posturographic …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Islanding Detection System for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System under Different Fault Condition Using Intelligent Detection Method (IDM)
by Kanchanby Kanchan 530 viewsA distributed power generating system can run in an off-grid or off grid mode and can be powered by either sustainable or nonrenewable energy sources. The widespread use of renewable …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
An Improved Voltage follower Canonical Switching Cell Converter with PFC for VSI Fed BLDC Motor
by Kanchanby Kanchan 393 viewsThis paper describes a power factor improvement of canonical switching converter for BLDC motor by using voltage follower technique. In this paper (BLCSC) Bridge Less Canonical Switching Cell Converter runs …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Smart Incubator using Internet of Things
by Kanchanby Kanchan 474 viewsThis papers deals with the cost-worthy design of an embedded device for real time monitoring of newborn babies in the incubator. In smart incubator a child’s medical data can be …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Design and simulation of closed loop controller for SEPIC converter to improve power factor
by Kanchanby Kanchan 409 viewsOne of the solid state switch mode rectification converters is SEPIC converter. This paper presents the design, simulation and development of single phase AC-DC SEPIC converter with 1.5W output power. …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Smart Grid System for Water Pumping and Domestic Application using Arduino Controller
by Kanchanby Kanchan 509 viewsIn current scenarios, many water pumping systems are available using solar PV, windmill, and diesel power. This paper suggest hybrid source (i.e.) combination of solar & wind energy, since solar …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Classification and Detection of Faults in Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
by Kanchanby Kanchan 408 viewsAn integration of distributed generations (DGs) to the utility grid has raised the need for good power quality, safety operation and islanding protection of the grid interconnection. This paper presents …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Analysis the Performance of Embedded ZSI Fed Induction Motor Under Semiconductor Failure Condition
by Kanchanby Kanchan 430 viewsIn traditional inverters, if any one of the switches is failed due to short circuit or open circuit, it is too difficult to get the continuous power and the amplitude …