When inverters drive an AC motor, the harmonic components of the output voltage caused additional iron and copper losses in the magnetic cores of the motor. Since inductance is supposed …
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- MTech Abstracts
- MTech Abstracts
Grid-connected VSI Protection from Grid-side Faults based on Voltage
by Engineer's Planet 523 viewsWith the increasing use of renewable energy sources, the need for reliable and efficient grid-side inverter fault detection and protection is becoming more important. Because the magnitude of fault current …
- MTech Abstracts
PV-Wind-Battery-Based Grid-Connected Bidirectional DC-DC Coupled Multi-Input Transformer
by Engineer's Planet 563 viewsThis study provides a hybrid approach to PV/wind/battery system control. A transformer-coupled bidirectional DC-DC converter is used to control the power flow. The proposed system is designed to meet the …
- MTech Abstracts
MPPT for a Wind Energy Conversion System Using Fuzzy Logic
by Engineer's Planet 403 viewsWind power, another attractive and well-developed renewable energy source, has recently emerged. A power electronic interface is required to connect a wind energy conversion system (WECS) to the load or …
- MTech Abstracts
Sensors for Fault Detection and Protection of Induction Motors
by Engineer's Planet 582 viewsSince an induction motor (IM) is commonly used as a drive in industry, it must be protected against common faults such as overvoltage, overcurrent, overload, overtemperature, and undervoltage. Timers, contactors, …
- MTech Abstracts
Voltage Level and Stability Estimation, Control, and Prediction at the Receiving Node
by Engineer's Planet 442 viewsThis article is about the voltage stability of receivers. Voltage stability and level are concepts that are inseparable. Although this is a good indicator that you are close to the …
- MTech Abstracts
Using a hybrid, estimate the state of charge for an LFP battery
by Engineer's Planet 438 viewsThere is an urgent need for a mechanism for precisely identifying the battery’s state of charge (SOC), as LiFePO4 (LFB) batteries are being used in more portable devices. In this …
- MTech Abstracts
Two Switched Impedance Network Enhanced-Boost Quasi-Z-Source Inverters
by Engineer's Planet 447 viewsThe research presented here reports enhanced-boost quasi-Z-source inverters (qZSI) using two switching impedance networks (continuous input current configuration and discontinuous input current configuration). These suggested inverter designs, which are comparable …
- MTech Abstracts
Solar PV Integrated UPQC-P for Critical Loads: Dynamic Performance
by Engineer's Planet 582 viewsThese findings show how an integrated UPQC-P array performs dynamically for critical loads, such as solar photovoltaic arrays (SPV-UPQC-P). The SPV-UPQC-shunt P’s compensator, connected across the load, transfers electricity from …
- MTech Abstracts
Interconnected AC Microgrids Operation with Dynamic Active and Reactive Power Tuning
by Engineer's Planet 540 viewsA collection of contemporary generating sources, storage infrastructure, and loads can be combined to create microgrids in a relatively small area. Theoretically, due to their independence, microgrids might operate at …