This study proposes Object-Oriented Usability Indices (OOUI) for multi-objective Demand Side Management (DSM). These metrics assess multi-objective DSM in a power network. DSM can be seen as a method for utilities to lower the amount of energy they use during peak times. Most of the time, service providers are required by contract to restrict or dim a customer’s load. This article includes peak power shaving, renewable energy integration, and a general usability index. Peak load reduction and the use of renewable energy are measured by the first two indices, while the overall benefit realized by DSM is measured by the third. The application of the suggested indices is shown in simulations in a grid-tied microgrid context for a multi-objective DSM formulation. The framework of the microgrid, consisting of three diesel generators and two renewable energy sources, has been chosen. The simulation was carried out using MATLAB. The choice of the optimization tool for TLBO is made possible by its ease of use and lack of algorithm-specific control parameters. The results of five different renewable energy scenarios show how effective the suggested strategy is. The outcomes demonstrate that it is feasible to create the ideal conditions for DSM application.
Multi-Objective Demand Side Object-Oriented Usability Indices
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