Image Enhancement is a process of improving the quality of an image by improving the contrast of the images. Images acquired underwater usually suffers from non-uniform illumination, low-contrast, motion blur …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
A New Adaptive Weighted Mean Filter for Removing Salt-and-Pepper Noise
by Kanchanby Kanchan 363 viewsIn this letter, we propose a new adaptive weighted mean filter (AWMF) for detecting and removing high level of salt-and-pepper noise. For each pixel, we firstly determine the adaptive window …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
An Efficient content-based image retrieval with ant colony optimization feature selection schema based on wavelet and color features
by Kanchanby Kanchan 383 viewsA novel content-based image retrieval (CBIR) schema with wavelet and color features followed by ant colony optimization (ACO) feature selection has been proposed in this paper. A new feature extraction …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Global Correlation Descriptor: a novel image representation for image retrieval
by Kanchanby Kanchan 285 viewsThe image descriptors based on multi-features fusion have better performance than that based on simple feature in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). However, these methods still have some limitations: 1) the …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Enhancement of image retrieval by using colour, texture and shape features
by Kanchanby Kanchan 372 viewsContent based image retrieval technique is done by three primitive methods namely through color, shape and texture. This paper provides specified path to use these primitive features to retrieve the …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Analysis of distance metrics in content-based image retrieval using statistical quantized histogram texture features in the DCT domain
by Kanchanby Kanchan 362 viewsThe effective content-based image retrieval (CBIR) needs efficient extraction of low level features like color, texture and shapes for indexing and fast query image matching with indexed images for the …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color Strings Comparison
by Kanchanby Kanchan 404 viewsContent Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a technique that enables a user to extract an image based on a query, from a database containing a large amount of images. A …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Offline Handwritten Signature Verification System Using a Supervised Neural Network Approach
by Kanchanby Kanchan 413 viewsSignatures are imperative biometric attributes of humans that have long been used for authorization purposes. Most organizations primarily focus on the visual appearance of the signature for verification purposes. Many …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Facial Feature Extraction and Textual Description Classification using SVM
by Kanchanby Kanchan 413 viewsFacial feature detection and extraction plays a significant role in face recognition. In this paper, we proposed a new approach for face feature description using support vector machine classifier. Searching …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Face Recognition System using PCA-ANN Technique with Feature Fusion Method
by Kanchanby Kanchan 420 viewsBiometric technology plays a vital role for providing the security which is imperative part in secure system. Human face recognition is a potential method of biometric authentication. This paper presents …