How to start coding: Complete guide for beginners

by Kartika Musle
How to start coding A Complete guide for beginners

Want to start coding and don’t know where to find a complete guide for Beginners? Here’s the article you’ve been searching for. Learning to code/program can seem to be a difficult task. If you’re starting from scratch, there’s a lot to learn, and some beginner students get stressed because they don’t know where to begin. Thus, today, we will go over, topic by topic, and how to start coding and have fun doing it.

What is coding?

Coding is the process of developing executable programs that perform certain tasks. It also helps communicate with the computer by transferring instructions and providing tasks via binary codes. Coding allows you to design computer software and operating systems, as well as websites and applications.

Why is it necessary to learn to code?

The modern world manages lots of applications. Every application and piece of software is coded in a different programming language. Coding and programming have helped solve complicated problems without danger in a short period of time.

Coding and programming skills also help in the development of communication and teamwork abilities. Every application and implementation created with coding is beneficial in every industry.

In our effort to learn how to start coding, we now move on to the next topic, where we will go over different ideas for getting started with coding.

How to start coding?

 Decide why you want to learn to code

When you first start coding, it’s tempting to jump straight in. However, if you don’t have an end goal in mind, you might become irritated and give up learning before you get to the fun part. So, before you begin learning, consider why you want to learn it. Consider the projects you wish to finish, why this talent interests you, and what resources you have available.

Virtual Courses

Virtual courses are one of the best ways to learn coding, Millions of students are benefiting from these Virtual Courses. These virtual courses provide excellent lectures in a range of languages and technologies, which has helped beginners learn & improve their coding skills. In addition, they offer certificates based on the student’s achievement, which can be a big help when looking for jobs.

Simplilearn, HackerRank, Codecademy, and other websites are examples of those that offer Virtual Courses.


Beginners can find videos on many coding and programming topics on YouTube, an online video-sharing and social media platform. YouTube videos on coding are popular among learners and are one of the most preferred platforms. Additionally, YouTube contributes to making learning simple and inexpensive for everyone by offering live classes and video lectures.

Referring Books

Get a book on the language you wish to learn. Books can help you learn to code and introduce you to important concepts. Many solved examples of shortcodes are presented in books, as are the theoretical elements. Books are the primary source of study material for the vast majority of college students.

A large variety of books are available in stores and on any purchasing app.

Do coding projects

You learn to code by practicing. You may educate yourself on all of the concepts and syntax required to create functional code. However, until you put what you learn into practice, you will not understand anything about it. This is where efforts come into the picture. When you first start, keep your projects short-term. You can also try taking a shot at a variety of beginning programming projects on your own.
Some examples of projects for beginners are

  1. Print “Hello world”
  2. Program to Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Two Numbers
  3. A Calculator
  4. A Fibonacci sequence

and many other easy projects are examples you can find online easily

 Look for a mentor

All the ideas mentioned so far are helpful, but they all involve a lot of lone work. A mentor who can provide additional guidance can be quite beneficial for your learning. You’ll probably run across many errors and other problems as you go along that you just can’t seem to solve. Mentors can be helpful in this regard. Anyone skilled in your language is eligible as a mentor. They must be able to guide you toward solutions and clarify difficult concepts. An experienced mentor can guide you through coding techniques that are not covered in classes and provide guidance on making a career in computers.

Websites for Beginners to Practice coding for free

1. Codewars: 

By completing programming assignments of different kinds and levels of difficulty, Codewars is a platform that helps in the development of your coding skills. You get to decide how you want to learn.
All programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, and others, are supported by Codewars.

2. Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code is a desktop source code editor that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is compact but effective. It contains support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js built-in, as well as an extensive collection of plugins for additional languages and runtimes (including C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, and . NET).

3. Ideone:

Ideone is a free online compiler and debugging tool which lets beginners practice compiling and executing code in more than 60 programming languages.
All one needs to do this choose a language for coding, write the source code and input data, and you’re done!

ideone website

Visit Website-

4. HackerRank:

HackerRank is a technology startup that focuses on competitive programming challenges for both beginners and organizations. HackerRank’s programming challenges cover many computer science subjects and can be solved using a range of programming languages (including Java, C++, PHP, Python, SQL, and JavaScript). It allows users to learn and complete step-by-step programs and consists of a wide range of programming topics to solve which can be very helpful to beginners

Popular Programming Languages for Beginners

Programming languages play a necessary role in creating software. A variety of programming languages are used to develop computer programs and applications.

The following are some of the most used and easy programming languages to learn for Beginners

1. HTML:



HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which is used to set the content of web pages, is the core technology of the internet. It is used in front-end web development. HTML is the simplest language to learn if you’re not sure if you want to get into programming. This is so that HTML isn’t technically a programming language because it doesn’t run scripts or allow you to create useful programs.

2. CSS:



(Cascading Style Sheets) CSS is a language related to HTML.
HTML decides what content is shown on a web page but has no effect on how that content appears. Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, can be used in this situation. The styling of HTML is handled by the CSS language, which also controls features like colours, font sizes, and even full website layouts. In addition, CSS is also not a programming language. It’s a set of guidelines used with HTML.
So it is also a beginner-friendly language to start with.

3. C/C++:


The most popular option for beginners to start with programming is C. It is wordier than any other language and frequently requires to write more code to perform the same tasks. This requires more work, but it is beneficial for understanding complex topics. C++ is C’s sequel. C++ syntax is comparable to C.

4. Java:


Java is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language (not to be confused with JavaScript). Java’s syntax is simple and easy for beginner programmers to read and understand, It is similar to Python. Mobile applications for Android frequently use Java.

5. JavaScript:

Java Script

The next programming language JavaScript makes fixed web pages interactive. It makes it possible for page components to move, respond to clicks from users, and perform more different tasks. JavaScript is the next step if you’re interested in web development and are comfortable with HTML and CSS.


6. Python:


Because of its user-friendly syntax and flexibility, Python is a popular programming language for beginners. Much of the Python code appears like English, helping beginners in learning basic ideas such as “functions”.



The coding and programming languages described above are perfect guides for beginners to begin within precise chronological order. There are more programming languages one can learn, but these are the most basic and commonly used in real-world applications.

Steps for Beginners to Improve Their Coding

Nowadays everything is operated through coding and programming. However, beginners may find it challenging to become skilled at it. So, here are some tips for beginners who want to improve their coding skills.

  1. Once you have learned to code, you must commit yourself to practice every day. Regular learning can be beneficial and can improve your coding skills.

  2. Explore a range of coding books. Learning a variety of coding concepts and techniques will significantly help you in implementing a variety of creative and new ideas, as well as in improving your coding skills.

  3. Working on real-time coding projects, allows you to think through and implement ideas in depth. It is also used to improve communication skills.

  4. Learn from your mistakes if you come across an error while coding, try to solve it on your own. This will help you realize your faults and will help you improve later.


We covered the importance and significance of coding in this post on “How to Start Coding: Complete Guide for Beginners.” You also learned about the numerous platforms that offer opportunities to learn coding and how a beginner should improve his coding abilities.

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