Top 6 Problem Statements with Solution Ideas for Smart India Hackathon 2024: Space Technology

by Engineer's Planet
Top 6 Problem Statements with Solution Ideas for Smart India Hackathon 2024: Space Technology

The Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2024 has opened doors for the budding innovators to tackle some of the most difficult problems in Space Technology. This ranges from exploring new frontiers in outer space to building new tools to analyse satellite images. This blog highlights 10 main Problem statements under the Space Technology theme which highlights the types of projects that can be undertaken aimed at moving further that frontier.

Problem Statements Overview:

Problem Statement TitleDescription & Potential ImpactAbstracts
1. Student Innovation (Hardware)Description: Design advanced devices and systems for the purposes of exploration and activities beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.

Potential Impact: This may bring new opportunities in the field of space exploration with regard to technologies used for space missions.

2. Automatic Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite ImagesDescription: Create an image change detection method focusing on SAR satellite images, trying to detect man-induced changes only, excluding naturally induced ones.

Potential Impact: Helps to monitor and assess changes on the Earth’s surface which may enhance relief efforts, city planning, and security.

3. Automatic Road Extraction and Alert Generation for New RoadsDescription: Create software that automatically extracts road information from microscope images and notifies any new/changed road information on a given period.

Potential Impact: Improves infrastructure development and monitoring more effectively, especially in fast growing environments.

4. Student Innovation (Software)Description: Develop computer programs for the purposes of exploring space and conducting operations in space beyond the confines of earth.

Potential Impact: This may bring about some improvements in tools which writes down the expedition plans or interpretable data or even codes which help in strategic advancement into different parts of space.

5. Enhancement of Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSR) of Lunar CratersDescription: Enhance the Chandrayaan-2 captured low illumination images of PSR regions of the lunar crater to enhance noise signal ratio.

Potential Impact: Aids in lunar exploration by enabling better imaging for selection of landing sites and conducting geomorphology study.

6. SAR Image Colorization for Comprehensive Insight Using Deep Learning ModelsDescription: Create a deep learning technique capable of adding colors to a SAR image in order to make it understandable for applications in space.

Potential Impact: Enhances the accessibility of SAR data and makes it easy to grasp and interpret in the fields of geology and environmental observation.



The Space Technology theme in SIH 2024 provides an opportunity to go beyond the normal limits in innovation related to the field of space exploration and satellite imagery. Participants in these problem statements have the opportunity to be part of things which can fundamentally change the way we conduct space missions and observe the planet observation.

Call to Action

Are you ready to take on the challenges of Space Technology? Form your team, bring your ideas to life, and participate in SIH 2024 to make a significant impact in the future of space exploration!

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