In current scenarios, many water pumping systems are available using solar PV, windmill, and diesel power. This paper suggest hybrid source (i.e.) combination …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Classification and Detection of Faults in Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
by Kanchanby KanchanAn integration of distributed generations (DGs) to the utility grid has raised the need for good power quality, safety operation and islanding protection …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Analysis the Performance of Embedded ZSI Fed Induction Motor Under Semiconductor Failure Condition
by Kanchanby KanchanIn traditional inverters, if any one of the switches is failed due to short circuit or open circuit, it is too difficult to …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Fault Identification and Islanding in DC Grid Connected PV System
by Kanchanby KanchanNowadays, the DC distribution system has been suggested, as a replacement for the AC power distribution system with electric propulsion. This idea signifies …
Voltage constrained DSTATCOM-based voltage controller is executed for low voltage appropriation system. To meet grid code, unexpected investment postponing, voltage regulator is designed …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Solar powered air conditioner using BLDC motor
by Kanchanby KanchanThis paper present a load compressor fed Brushless DC motor for solar power air conditioner under variable air conditions. At current scenario, air …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Extraction and conversion of exhaust heat from automobile engine in to electrical energy
by Kanchanby KanchanThe ever increasing demand for energy is leading to rapid depletion of our resources. Inspite of the advancement in renewable technology. It is …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Precise temperature control using reverse seebeck effect
by Kanchanby KanchanIt is an innovative concept, in which semiconductor element is used for thermal considerations. Thermoelectric material such as Bismuth and Tellurium is used …