Employee Management System Project

by Himanshu Garg

The task is to create a Database-driven Employee Management System in Python that will store the information in the MySQL Database. The script will contain the following operations :

  • Add Employee
  • Remove Employee
  • Promote Employee
  • Display Employees

The idea is that we perform different changes in our Employee Record by using different functions for example the Add Employee will insert a new row in our Additionally, we will develop a function called Remove Employee, which will allow us to remove any specific current employee’s record from our Employee table. This system operates on the ideas of retrieving data from the database, making the necessary modifications to the retrieved data, and applying the modifications to the record that we will view in our Promote Employee System. We can also use the Display Employee function to obtain information about every employee that is currently employed. The information becomes lossless even after our programmed is closed multiple times, which is the primary benefit of connecting it to the database.

Getting Started

Additionally, we will develop a function called Remove Employee, which will allow us to remove any specific current employee’s record from our Employee table. This system operates on the ideas of retrieving data from the database, making the necessary modifications to the retrieved data, and applying the modifications to the record that we will view in our Promote Employee System. We can also use the Display Employee function to obtain information about every employee that is currently employed. The information becomes lossless even after our programmed is closed multiple times, which is the primary benefit of connecting it to the database. We must connect Python and MySQL in order to create the Employee Management System in Python that utilizes the MySQL database.

Installing MySQL Connector is necessary before we can establish a connection. To do this, type the following command into Windows’ command prompt.

pip Set up the MySQL Connector.

We can now connect MySQL with the Table in Use after the MySQL connector installation was successful:

The plan is to maintain all of the employee data in the table above and make necessary changes to it. We will now examine each operation’s operation in detail.

Examine Employee Performance

Using the employee ID as a parameter, the check employee function determines whether or not an employee with the specified ID exists in the employee details record. The cursor.rowcount() function, which counts the number of rows that match the supplied details, is used to verify this. It is a utility function that will be used in subsequent processes such as the Add Employee function.




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