Computer Sales and Service System

by Himanshu Garg

Computer Sales and Service System

Hi there, pals We will look at the Python Sales Management System Project in this article. We plan to incorporate fundamental functionalities such as the ability to add, remove, update, and view all products. For database needs, we used the built-in SQLite3, and for the GUI, we used Tkinter.

Project overview: Sales Management System Project in Python

Project Name:Sales Management System Project in Python
Abstract:We will create a GUI-based application that can be used to track the sales of any shop or store
Language Used:Python
IDE:VS Code(recommended)
Type:GUI Application
Recommended for:Beginners and Intermediates of Tkinter


Requirements and setup

The most recent version of Python should be installed on your system. Tkinter and SQLite3, which come pre-installed with Python and don’t need to be installed individually, have been used. You can use any IDE, but we used Visual Studio Code. We hope that our code will work flawlessly if you copy it and run it directly on your computer without requiring any additional files or resources.

  • Among the essential elements are the additions and updates of products. View the complete product list and delete a product.
  • Calculation automatically: You can review all of your entries as you add or update products, and the system will figure out the prices based on the total number of sales.
  • Updated data: Whenever you carry out a CRUD operation, the sales management system app will automatically refresh the updated data (adding, viewing, updating, or deleting a product).
  • Managing exceptions: Because we handled incorrect entries and other exceptions, we were able to guarantee that this Sales Management System Project would never crash by utilising Python’s exception handling feature.
  • Message/alert: You will receive an alert message whenever you perform an operation, and an error message will be sent to you in the event of an error.


We truly hope that you enjoyed
working on our Python sales management system project. We urge you to
incorporate additional features (such as a search function) to increase the
real-time scalability and robustness of this Python sales management system project.
Many features have already been added, most of which were discussed above. I
wish you the best.




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