Postural impairment due to neuro-degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease (PD) leads to restricted gait patterns, fall-related injuries, decreased mobility, and loss of …
- AbstractMTech Projects
Writing a resume is an important task for engineering students. This can be their one of the first experiences in their job search …
For BTech and MTech students who want to pursue additional study abroad or a job in research, competitive exams like the GATE, GRE, …
The Indian government believes that education is very important for the country’s progress, and so it has started a few plans to help …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Islanding Detection System for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System under Different Fault Condition Using Intelligent Detection Method (IDM)
by Kanchanby KanchanA distributed power generating system can run in an off-grid or off grid mode and can be powered by either sustainable or nonrenewable …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
An Improved Voltage follower Canonical Switching Cell Converter with PFC for VSI Fed BLDC Motor
by Kanchanby KanchanThis paper describes a power factor improvement of canonical switching converter for BLDC motor by using voltage follower technique. In this paper (BLCSC) …
This papers deals with the cost-worthy design of an embedded device for real time monitoring of newborn babies in the incubator. In smart …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD Projects
Design and simulation of closed loop controller for SEPIC converter to improve power factor
by Kanchanby KanchanOne of the solid state switch mode rectification converters is SEPIC converter. This paper presents the design, simulation and development of single phase …