The dc microgrid’s stability depends on the control strategy employed for each mode of operation (MG). It is the main strategy for preserving bus voltage stability during island operation when …
Engineer's Planet
- MTech Abstracts
Solar wind energy modelling and simulation for smart grid integration
by Engineer's Planet 591 viewsThe complexity of the system and the increasing demand for electricity make power grid analysis and control crucial. The transition from the legacy system to the new smart grid has …
- MTech Abstracts
Simulation And Modeling Of A Single Side Short Stator Linear Induction Motor With The End Effect
by Engineer's Planet 392 viewsResearch and development are currently being done on linear induction motors for use in high-speed ground transportation and some industrial applications. To meet their performance requirements, they need machinery with …
- MTech Abstracts
Reference Model BLDC Motor Speed Control Using Neural Adaptive Control
by Engineer's Planet 595 viewsThe brushless DC (BLDC) motor Control System uses a multi-variable, non-linear, strong coupling system to demonstrate resilient and adaptable qualities. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in …
- MTech Abstracts
Bidirectional DCDC Converters and ACDC Interlinking Converter Model Predictive Control
by Engineer's Planet 441 viewsVariable power demand and varying energy source outputs may have an effect on the voltage quality of renewable energy systems. This study proposes a model predictive controller as an alternative …
- MTech Abstracts
Boost to the max Controlling a Diode-assisted Buck-boost Voltage Source Inverter with the Fewest Number of Diodes
by Engineer's Planet 340 viewsIn order to achieve high voltage gain, voltage source inverter diodes support buck-boost by incorporating a switch-capacitor-based high step-up dc-dc circuit between the source and the inverter bridge. Alternative pulse …