Design and Implementation of Node-Red Based Open-Source SCADA Architecture for a Hybrid Power System

by Shivam Kashyap

Design and Implementation of Node-Red Based Open-Source SCADA Architecture for a Hybrid Power System.

At present, hybrid renewable power systems (HRPS) are considered reliable combinations for power generation under various conditions. The challenge facing researchers and engineers today is designing and implementing a reliable, efficient, and applicable SCADA system for adequate monitoring and control of hybrid power systems. In order to analyze, observe, and control the essential parameters of an HRPS, a SCADA system is crucial. As part of this study, a low-cost, low-power, open-source SCADA (Supervisory, Control, and Data Acquisition) system for hybrid renewable energy systems is presented. The system utilizes two remote terminal units (RTUs), an Arduino Mega2560 and a Wio terminal, to communicate with all actuators and measure vital system characteristics such as voltage, current, and power. Using the Firmata protocol, a laptop serves as the main terminal unit (MTU) to communicate with the Arduino. In addition to being the system’s central component, Node-Red is utilized for processing, analyzing, storing, and displaying data. In contrast, a Wio terminal is used to display the values of all sensors in real-time on its LCD screen. As a whole, the proposed SCADA system is designed to keep the HRPS running smoothly and safely by displaying vital parameters, reporting any significant faults, and controlling the generator so that the batteries can be charged and discharged correctly. This article presents a complete description of all algorithms, experimental setups, testing, and results.

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