Gustave Eiffel is the mastermind behind the Eiffel Tower and other engineering designs that played a great role in the evolution of architecture and engineering. It is from the Eiffel …
Leonardo da Vinci: The Engineer and Inventor of the Renaissance The core principle behind the Renaissance Engineering, the Genius Da Vinci
This mission has the goal to set a permanent base on the surface of the moon that will facilitate human missions to Mars. This mission is divided into 5 parts …
If a student is considering engineering as their major, they must be aware of the trends and developments this field experiences. Engineering is a vast field that experiences rapid change. …
James Watt. Because of his changes in the manufacturing of the steam engine, it is said that he paved the way for the industrial revolution, thus earning the title the …
C.V. Raman: Unravelling the Secrets of Light The Indian genius who discovered the science behind light scattering and his achievements.
In this article, we will explore why iOS and Android projects are a must-try for final year students and provide you with project ideas, essential skills, and tips for success.
The Miscellaneous theme in the Smart India Hackathon 2024 (SIH 2024) encourages participants to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions across various sectors
As the electronics manufacturing environment continues to change, precision remains the key to enabling the production of quality electronic components. Over the last decade, one particular equipment
AI is taking over rapidly in this technology-driven world. The evolution of AI has led to many fields, Generative AI is one of those fields. It is widely used nowadays …