The basic developing a digital image watermarking (DIW) objective approach is to satisfy both robustness and imperceptibility requirement. Digital watermarking (DW) appears as …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
A Novel DWT based Image Securing Method using Steganography
by Kanchanby KanchanSteganography is a data hiding technique that is widely used in various information securing applications. Steganography transmits data by hiding the existence of …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Edge-preserving Image Decomposition based on Saliency Map
by Kanchanby KanchanA novel edge-preserving image decomposition based on saliency map is proposed to avoid halo phenomena in traditional image decompositions. Our method uses feature …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
An Improved Method For The Enhancement of Under Ocean Image
by Kanchanby KanchanImage Enhancement is a process of improving the quality of an image by improving the contrast of the images. Images acquired underwater usually …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
A New Adaptive Weighted Mean Filter for Removing Salt-and-Pepper Noise
by Kanchanby KanchanIn this letter, we propose a new adaptive weighted mean filter (AWMF) for detecting and removing high level of salt-and-pepper noise. For each …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
An Efficient content-based image retrieval with ant colony optimization feature selection schema based on wavelet and color features
by Kanchanby KanchanA novel content-based image retrieval (CBIR) schema with wavelet and color features followed by ant colony optimization (ACO) feature selection has been proposed …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Global Correlation Descriptor: a novel image representation for image retrieval
by Kanchanby KanchanThe image descriptors based on multi-features fusion have better performance than that based on simple feature in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). However, these …
- AbstractMTech ProjectsPhD ProjectsResearch Paper
Enhancement of image retrieval by using colour, texture and shape features
by Kanchanby KanchanContent based image retrieval technique is done by three primitive methods namely through color, shape and texture. This paper provides specified path to …