AICTE Announces Full-Time ME, MTech, and PhD Programs for Faculty Members: Registration Open until June 20!

by Khushi Srivastava

AICTE is also offering highly-qualified candidates ME, MTech, and PhD full-time courses in a residential basis. The implementation of these ME, MTech, and PhD programs will by the Quality Improvement Program (QIP). Jointly with AICTE, the program will take place in full-time, engaged faculty members at still developing or polytechnic engineering schools. During this time, they can earn a master’s degree they are eligible from the QIP system through these programs. In case of their interest, students can simply visit the official website, and download the application form. The due date for registration is June 20.

“The 18-credit, six-month program will be given in hybrid style by IISc, IITs, IIITs, and C-DAC to faculty members who are chosen. The official notification states that AICTE will provide full funding for the program

Applicants to be eligible for the master’s programmes should have at least one year of teaching experience at the polytechnic level and hold a relevant bachelor’s degree. For PhD programmes in engineering and management, candidates must have at least three years of teaching experience as full-time regular or permanent faculty member at AICTE-approved degree or diploma level institutes and a relevant master’s degree.

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