Exploring the Myth of Shorter Lifespans for Left-Handed People Using Age Distribution and Bayesian Analysis Using ML

by Shivam Kashyap

Left-hand prevalents Left-handers are in various ways discriminated through various myths and one of it is that they have relatively short life span than right-handers, famous examples of left- handers are Barak Obama and Marie curie. This project is an attempt to test the validity of this proposition through evaluation of data related to age distribution and the periods when the prevalence of left handed individuals was observed. The results of this survey, conducted by National Geographic in 1986 and the use of Bayesian analysis will aim to establish if the decrease in left handedness with age is as a result of supposedly higher mortality rates, or societal prejudices against left-handed individuals. The findings of the present research challenge the assumptions on left-handers’ lower life expectancy and provide deep understanding of the factors influencing reported handedness.


1. Data Collection and Preparation

    • Datasets: In the sample of a survey conducted in National Geographic in the year 1986, information on age, gender, and left or right lateralization of hand for throwing and writing hand have been obtained.
    • Loading Data: Employed the use of the pandas library in Python for importing the data into a usable format as well as for handling related

2. Data Cleaning

  • Handling Missing Values: Solved the problem of missing values ensuing from the interaction with the data and used imperative imputation or elimination techniques that did not affect the validity of the analysis.
  • Normalization: Information that can easily be compared and/or analyzed due to the fact that it has been normalized.

3.  Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Visualization: For the visualization of the handedness self identification across ages, concluded the use of matplotlib and seaborn libraries.
  • Trend Analysis: Compared the frequency of left handedness at two or more time intervals to determine the effect of social acceptance of left handedness on the left handed self

4. Statistical Analysis

  • Bayesian Inference: Employed Bayesian statistical approaches on prognostic details to estimate the possibility of one’s death at a certain age depending on identified handedness.
  • Hypothesis Testing: Carried out an experiment on topic: Testing of the hypothesis that left-handed people live shorter lives than right-handed people..

5. Model Evaluation

  • Age Distribution Comparison: Compared the distributions of age among the population that was reported to be left handed and among those identified as right handed in hope of finding relevant
  • Sensitivity Analysis: Conducted test of sensitivity to determine the robustness of the results and changes that might be brought about by factors that could affect the study.

6. Conclusion and Future Work

  • Results: The conclusion that can be made is that, in general, left-handedness is decreasing as people get older due to historical societal factors, not mainly due to the shorter life span.
  • Implications: Discussed the implications of these findings in the relations with the myths regarding the dependence of the life span on left-handedness..
  • Future Research: Some of the suggested areas of future research include an undertaking of more in-depth longitudinal research as well as the effects of the emerging cultural shifts on handedness reporting.

This methodology presents an elaborate strategy that disapproves the fable that the life expectancy of a left-handed person is shorter than that of the right handed. It uses statistical analysis and extensive assessment of collected data

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