Our methodology involves:
- Data Loading: Importing the excel file encompassing baby names, gender favoritism and the trends in the recent years.
- Gender Classification: Stemming names into gender categories; male, female or none, from the rations of gender proportions.
- Data Analysis: The demographic study that involves investigation of the ups and downs on the frequency of the certain baby names and the proportion of gendere’s over a specific period of time
- Visualization: Creating relevant visuals to highlight major trends and patterns in the information being analyzed
The study shows that there is a systematic nature in the naming of babies whereby there is change in the trend of naming babies/people in relation to their sex and the periodicity in the use of certain name. The findings of this paper provide great input to the understanding of the effects of culture and the society on naming practices. Thus, the results may be useful for sociologists, demographers, and anyone interested in the processes of name formation.