IOS and Android Projects for Final Year BTech and MTech Students

By: Engineer's Planet

it can be really challenging and stressful to choose a specific topic, especially if you’re a Btech or Mtech student. But don’t be concerned; we’ve got your back. This story will include all of the Must-Try iOS and Android Projects for final-year BTech and MTech Students. These are following projects you can build in both ios & andriod

Build a weather app that collects weather data from a web service and displays it to the user based on their location. You can include elements such as current weather, predictions, and weather maps.

1. Weather App

Create a basic calculator app that performs fundamental arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

2. Basic Calculator

3.  To-Do List App1

Create a simple to-do list application that allows users to add, change, and delete tasks. You can improve this project by including features such as due dates, prioritizing tasks, and reminders.

4. Cooking App

Create a cooking or recipe app that provides a list of recipes, allows users to choose one, and displays complete directions and ingredients. You can utilize an API to get recipes or use static data.

5. Currency Converter:

Create an app that allows users to enter an amount in one currency and convert it to another using real-time exchange rates.

To summarize, the projects listed above are must-try iOS and Android projects for final-year Btech and Mtech students that they can create and showcase in their college.