Top Problem Statements with Solution Ideas for Smart India Hackathon 2024: Robotics and Drones

By: Engineer's Planet

The Smart India Hackathon 2024‘s (SIH 2024) Robotics and Drones theme invites participants to investigate creative ideas using robotics and drone technology to solve some of India’s most important problems. The top 10 project ideas under this theme are compiled below together with their descriptions, possible impacts, and categories.

This project promotes the design of robotics and drones capable of handling medical crises and performing search and rescue operations, so addressing important problems in India.

1. Student Innovation (Hardware)

This work aims to estimate real water usage by crops in irrigated areas by means of a drone-based system with ET sensors. AI and ML technologies will be combined in the system to improve water use estimate accuracy and dependability.

2. Drone-based Intelligent ET Sensing System

3. Student Innovation (Software)

This project promotes the design of robotic devices and drones capable of handling medical crises and performing search and rescue operations, so addressing important problems in India.

4. Autonomous Water Surface Cleaning Robot

Provide a self-sufficient water surface cleaning robot with high efficiency cleaning capability free from human involvement for environmental preservation. Lightweight, versatile, and optimized utilizing Industry 4.0 technologies including IoT and artificial intelligence the robot should be

5. Micro-Doppler Based Target Classification

This work aims to precisely classify drone and non-drones by means of micro-Doppler signatures acquired from radar sensors. The aim is to differentiate drones from birds so enhancing the accuracy of drone detecting systems.

In Conclusion, SIH 2024’s Robotics and Drones theme provides a stage for inventors to develop ideas tackling important problems in many different fields. These problem statements offer a glimpse of how automation and drone technologies could revolutionize sectors and raise Indian quality of living.