Nanobots usage in cancer treatment

By  Engineer's Planet

Numerous theoretical research has shown that nanobots could change the whole game of cancer treatment. For the detection of cancer cells, drug delivery as well as physical interventions, a nanobot can be programmed to do all three too.

Since they are machines, they must be powered by a source. A power source could be a battery, or it can derive its power from the body’s chemical reactions. It may also use light and magnetic fields to power itself.

Components of Nanobots

1. Power Source

This is a vital component of the nanobot, which can be programmed to sense any anomaly in a cell. For example, cancer cells produce a lot of lactate which can be used as an indicator to detect cancerous cells

2. Sensors

3. Communication hub and Information processors

Just like the functioning of white blood cells in our body, a nanobot must be able to detect cancer cells, relay the message to other nanobots as well as receive messages from them

In conclusion, Theoretical studies have proven their effectiveness in treating cancer and therefore, we may just be a few years away from having the world’s first nanobot injection for cancer.

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