Mastering the Problem Statements in Smart India Hackathon 2024

By: Engineer's Planet

The Smart India Hackathon 2024 (SIH 2024) presents a unique opportunity for students across India to tackle real-world challenges. With a diverse range of problem statements categorized under Software and Hardware, participants are invited to innovate and develop solutions that address pressing issues. This blog offers a comprehensive guide to navigating these problem statements

SIH 2024 features problem statements spread across 17 distinct themes, allowing participants to focus on areas that align with their expertise and interests. Whether your team excels in Software or Hardware solutions

1. Themes and Categories Overview

Agriculture, Food Tech & Rural Development Blockchain & Cybersecurity Clean & Green Technology MedTech / Bio Tech / Health Tech Smart Automation

2. Key Problem Statements Across Themes

3. Notable Organizations Involved

Various prestigious organizations have posed these challenges, including ISRO (space tech), the MOD (national security), & BEL (electronics & comms). These orgs provide real-world problem statements that challenge participants to push the boundaries of innovation.

4. Navigating and Leveraging Problem

SIH 2024 offers 216 problem statements (159 Software, 57 Hardware). Participants can filter challenges by theme, category, and organization on the SIH website to align with their expertise.

5. How to Use These Filters Effectively

To optimize your SIH 2024 experience, select a theme that matches your skills, focus on your strongest category (Software or Hardware), and choose an organization aligned with your team's strengths and goals.

6. Steps to Get Started

Start by visiting the SIH 2024 website to explore challenges. Use filters to find relevant problem statements, then review each one carefully to understand the requirements.

In Conclusion, The Smart India Hackathon 2024 is a platform for innovation, offering participants the chance to solve real-world problems. By effectively navigating the problem statements using the SIH website, your team can find challenges that resonate with your skills and interests. This is your opportunity to make a difference—choose the right challenge and start innovating today!