Computer Science PHP Projects Free Downloads

By: Engineer's Planet

Computer Science PHP Projects Free Downloads provide engineering students with practical PHP experience. This resource offers downloadable projects to improve programming skills, apply theoretical concepts, and enhance both academic and professional IT knowledge.

The Chatbot Using PHP project creates an interactive chatbot capable of responding to user inputs. It utilizes PHP scripts to process user queries and generate appropriate, automated responses.

1. Chatbot Using PHP

The Ecommerce Website Using PHP project builds a fully functional online store, featuring product listings, a shopping cart, and secure checkout processes. It integrates user authentication and payment gateway functionality for seamless transactions

2. Ecommerce Website Using  PHP

3. Email System Using PHP

The Email System Using PHP project develops a platform for sending, receiving, and managing emails. It incorporates user authentication, inbox organization, and secure email transmission using PHP scripts.

4. Star Rating System Using PHP

The Star Rating System Using PHP project allows users to rate items with star icons. It records ratings in a database, calculates average scores, and displays them in real-time on a webpage.

5. Student Management System Using PHP

This project manages student data, including personal details, grades, and attendance. It provides a user-friendly interface for administrators, teachers, and students to access and update information efficiently.

In Conclusion,These PHP projects provide practical experience in developing dynamic web applications. They enhance programming skills, demonstrating real-world applications of PHP in various domains, from communication to e-commerce and education.