Tensorflow Based Projects for Final Year

Tensorflow Based Project Ideas for BTech, MTech and PhD Final Year.

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Project Topics Project Details Data Set
1. AnomaData (Automated Anomaly Detection for Predictive Maintenance) Know More Download
2. Find Default (Prediction of Credit Card fraud) Know More Download
3. DocAssist (Building Intelligent Medical Decision Support System) Know More Download
4. For-rest from Fires (Fire Detection Model using Deep Learning) Know More Download
5. MoodforMusic (An Intelligent Mood Detection and Music Recommendation Application) Know More Download
6. NutriGro (Building a Recommender System) Know More Download
7. Propensity (Propensity Model to identify how likely certain target groups customers respond to the marketing campaign) Know More Download
8. Recommender (Build intelligence to help customers discover products they may like and most likely purchase) Know More Download
9. Fault Find (Build intelligence using Machine Learning to predict the faulty tyre in manufacturing) Know More Download
10. Intensity Analysis (Build your own model using NLP and Python) Know More Download

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