Smart India Hackathon Projects with Source Code Downloads

The page provides a curated list of innovative project ideas for participants. It includes project categories like healthcare, agriculture, and smart cities, along with submission guidelines, evaluation criteria, and resources. The page also offers collaboration opportunities and showcases past success stories to inspire and guide participants in developing impactful solutions. Smart India Hackathon Projects

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Project Topics Abstracts Code
1. Integrated Disaster Management System for Assam: Advanced Forecasting, Evacuation, and Offline Support Solutions. Abstract Download
2. Digital Grievance Redressal for a Cleaner, Smarter India. Abstract Download
3. Organic Agriculture Advancement in Uttarakhand System. Abstract Download
4. Automated Tree Enumeration System Using Satellite Imagery for Forest Conservation. Abstract Download
5. Smart Merit: Web-based System for Identifying Meritorious Students in Primary Education. Abstract Download
6. Application for Personal Health Monitoring using Smartphone’s Built-in Sensors Abstract Download
7. Real-time Emergency Response System using Geolocation, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning Abstract Download
8. Predictive Modeling for Athlete Injury Recovery Time and Setback Risk using Random Forest and XGBoost Abstract Download
9. TECHNOpired: A Personalized Educational Aid for Dyslexic Children using Gamification and Multisensory Approach Abstract Download
10. Deep Learning-based Crop Yield Prediction Model for Optimizing Agricultural Productivity and Food Security. Abstract Download

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To learn how to participate in the Smart India Hackathon 2024 click here.

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