MedTech | BioTech | HealthTech Top 10 Problem Statements with Alternative Ideas for Smart India Hackathon 2024


By implementing innovations for improving access, safety, and efficiency, the MedTech / BioTech / HealthTech category in the Smart India Hackathon 2024 (SIH 2024) invites participants to innovate in the health care sector. From sophisticated medical tools to software programs streamlining healthcare processes, these solutions span advanced technologies. The top 10 project ideas under this theme are compiled below together with their descriptions, possible effects, and categories.

Problem Statement Title Description & Potential Impact Abstracts
1. AYUSH Startup Registration Portal Description: Develop an application to streamline the registration procedure for AYUSH startups, improving transparency and efficiency in the sector.
Potential Impact: Lowers regulatory compliance and encourages integration into mainstream healthcare, so helping AYUSH startups to grow.
2. Drug Inventory and Supply Chain Tracking System Description: Create a software program to track and monitor drug inventory and supply chains, ensuring the availability of drugs at the right moment, place, and condition of state of affairs.
Potential Impact: Using better drug distribution productivity and efficacy guarantees timely delivery, so helping to reduce shortages.
3. Online Testing and Monitoring of Medicine Quality Description: Create a software module for hospital real-time testing and quality monitoring of drugs and consumables.
Potential Impact: By guaranteeing only high-quality medications are given, so lowering the risk of adverse effects, patient safety is improved.
4. Wearable AI Sensor for Fall Prevention in the Elderly Description: Design a wearable gadget with sensors and artificial intelligence to provide real-time balance and posture feedback, so preventing falls in elderly people.
Potential Impact: Lowers the incidence of falls among the elderly, improving their quality of life and lowering healthcare expenses.
5. Rapid AI-Based Testing for Milk Quality Description: Design a portable gadget for fast testing of the microbial quality of raw and processed milk using AI and colorimetric techniques.
Potential Impact: Through fast and consistent testing, guarantees the safety of milk products, lowering the risk of foodborne diseases.
6. Portable Non-Contact Eye Pressure Measurement Device Description: Create a portable, non-contact tool suitable for home use for gauging intraocular pressure in glaucoma sufferers.
Potential Impact: Empowers patients to check their eye condition at home, improving glaucoma management and lowering the risk of blindness.
7. Alternative Technology for Blood Vessel Blockage Detection Description: Provide a safer substitute for traditional angiography by inventing a non-invasive technology to find blockages in blood vessels.
Potential Impact: Provides a safer, more accessible way of diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, lowering the demand for invasive procedures.
8. Virtual Herbal Garden for AYUSH Description: Create an application platform displaying AYUSH’s medicinal herbs and providing an interactive virtual horticulture experience.
Potential Impact: Promotes the AYUSH industry, the application of traditional medicine, and the value of medicinal plants.
9. AI-Based Speech Language Therapy Platform Description: Create a program for digitalizing and supervising speech language therapy sessions, improving the effectiveness of therapy sessions.
Potential Impact: Simplifies therapy approaches, enabling improved patient outcomes and more effective resource use.
10. Virtual Reality (VR) for Patient Rehabilitation Description: Create a VR application leveraging artificial intelligence to support patient rehabilitation through immersive therapy experiences for both cognitive and physical recovery.
Potential Impact: Through engaging and successful therapy, increases patient adherence, improving rehabilitation outcomes.


The MedTech / BioTech / HealthTech theme in SIH 2024 offers a wide range of opportunities to innovate in the healthcare sector. Whether through hardware or software solutions, participants can contribute to improving healthcare delivery, patient safety, and the overall quality of life for individuals.

Call to Action

If these problem statements inspire you, explore them further on the SIH 2024 website. Form your team, brainstorm innovative solutions, and help shape the future of healthcare!

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