Marriage Bureau Management System In Python

This project teaches you the fundamentals of working with a MySQL database and is a condensed version of a Marriage Bureau Management System in Python. Let’s dissect it into its constituent parts:

  1. Database Setup:
  • A database is like a structured Excel sheet that stores information. MySQL is a widely used database system that we use in this project.
  • We created the “marriage bureau management” database to house data about users and clients who are looking for spouses.
  • User Registration and Login: By providing a username and password, users—individuals seeking marriage partners—can register. This data is kept in the table “user id.”A database is like a structured Excel sheet that stores information. MySQL is a widely used database system that we use in this project.
  • We created the “marriage bureau management” database to house data about users and clients who are looking for spouses.
  • User Registration and Login: Users, who are single people looking for spouses, can register by giving their username and password. This information is stored in the “user id” table.
  • With their password and registered username, users can log in. They can access the system if they give the right information.
  • Customer Information: Individuals who are looking for a spouse can add information about themselves. Name, address, caste, age, occupation, and phone number are all included in this.
  • The “customer details” table contains this data.
  • Looking for a Match: Users have the option to look for possible matches based on their appearance and profession.
  • You can look for matches based on their profession if you’re looking for someone with a particular job (such as an engineer or doctor).
  • You can look for matches based on their appearance if you have a specific type of person in mind, such as attractive, handsome, etc.
  • The matching profiles that meet your criteria will be shown by the system.provide.

Menu and Interaction: Users can register, log in, add customer details, and search for matches from a straightforward menu that the project offers.

Users can engage with the system by selecting from these options.

Error Handling: To prevent duplicate user registrations and give the user feedback, the project incorporates some basic error handling.

Database Interaction: Python is used by the programme to communicate with the MySQL database. It stores and retrieves data using SQL queries.

Structure: The code is easier to read and maintain because it is divided into functions. Certain tasks are handled by functions like “register user” and “login user.”

This project is a scaled-down version of a more comprehensive system that matches possible partners and manages profiles for a marriage bureau. It is intended to assist students in learning the fundamentals of user authentication, database interaction, and data retrieval.



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