Integrated Disaster Management System for Assam: Advanced Forecasting, Evacuation, and Offline Support Solutions

Integrated Disaster Management System for Assam: Advanced Forecasting, Evacuation, and Offline Support Solutions

Residents of Assam encounter severe issues as a result of the abrupt and unforeseen onset of disasters, resulting in the loss of both human lives and property. Our solution serves as a highly efficient tool that delivers timely and accurate information and services to individuals in need during critical times of disaster, addressing a recurring problem faced annually. We propose a method that is efficient in predicting future disasters, facilitating the evacuation of large groups of people to safe areas by providing secure routes. Additionally, it offers a centralized platform for volunteers to assist affected individuals, enables government monitoring of the entire region, and aids in organizing people in shelters and meeting their basic needs. We enhance user empowerment by utilizing interactive videos and providing concise, sequential guidance via SMS and push notifications to instruct them on how to respond in such circumstances. During a disaster, the primary concern is internet connectivity. Therefore, we have also included all of the aforementioned features in offline mode.

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