Digital Grievance Redressal for a Cleaner, Smarter India

Digital Grievance Redressal for a Cleaner, Smarter India

As India progresses towards achieving cleanliness and digitalization through initiatives like Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and Digital India, it is crucial for people to have convenient methods of reporting issues regarding cleanliness in their local area, such as overflowing drainage and garbage bins, unauthorized construction, and so on. Our strategy involves developing a website and app called “asar” that will benefit both society and Municipal Corporations. Individuals tend to disregard these concerns because they are unwilling to invest their time in enduring lengthy queues and waiting for the authorities to resolve their issues. Consequently, this fosters a situation where the authorities choose to ignore their problems. Imagine a situation in which a community is dealing with excessive drainage overflow and overflowing garbage bins, as well as uncovered potholes and other related problems that require urgent attention. These issues can be promptly resolved by using the website or app, which includes a geo-tagging feature. This allows authorities to easily identify and resolve the problems with minimal effort. Our initiative can serve as an intermediary between the general public and the relevant organizations. This will be highly beneficial for authorities, as it grants them direct access to societal issues. Therefore, there are no lines and no carelessness.

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