About Us

We Are Engineers

An initiative towards practicality of knowledge.

Welcome to Engineer’s Planet, where we redefine engineering education by connecting students with experienced mentors worldwide. Our mission is to bridge knowledge gaps and upgrade research and development quality. We have an active community of experts and students who have already taken a step towards the future through their collective knowledge.

At Engineer’s Planet (EP), we are establishing a streamlined platform tailored to the distinct requirements of engineering students and researchers across all disciplines. With a team of industry experts in every technological domain, we’re committed to turning your concepts into executable achievements. Our vision extends beyond providing mere education; Our goal is to empower students globally, equipping them with the skills needed to secure placements, pursue entrepreneurial ventures, and thrive in their engineering journey.
Join us for a transformative learning journey, fostering innovation and excellence in engineering.



Himanshu Garg
I am text block
Pradip Singh
I am text block.
Shivam Kashyap
I am text block
Rashi Singh
I am text block.
Khushi Srivastava
I am text block
Team member #1
I am text block.

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